
Players of the Week

Posted by John Troy on Sep 30 2019 at 08:11AM PDT
image We only had one game this Sunday due to a cancellation and the girls shot out of the gate and shut the other team down immediately . Molly faced the minimum batters (6) in 2 innings and our closer Cameryn entered the game and secured the 4 inning shutout. Sometimes the players of the game make their impact felt outside the lines . These 3 girls could of done anything they wanted, Alexa and Bryn are healing from injuries and could of just sat home and made Tik-Tok’s but decided to come and sit on the bench and cheer on their teammates . Lilly Blankenship had already played 2 games for our sister team and gladly decided to help us out. This is what it means to be good teammates and great friends and at the end of the day that’s what most important. I also told them its a 4 day weekend help your parents around the house. Happy Rosh Hashanah


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